This morning, one of my gentlemen wished to tell me he had managed to shave and use his aftershave. He came up to me, with a proud smile on his face, and said, "Hannah, smell my face. It smells good."
A peek at an insane mind
This morning, one of my gentlemen wished to tell me he had managed to shave and use his aftershave. He came up to me, with a proud smile on his face, and said, "Hannah, smell my face. It smells good."
The meetings were (and probably still are) held in a small building at the city park, known as the cottage. The cottage is basically a 2 room shack with adjoining bathroom, and copious amounts of folding chairs. There is nothing whatsoever interesting about this building, particularly when you are a little girl, and stuck inside for an hour with a bunch of fat old ladies. (Most of those old ladies had to be in their 30's and 40's.) Once the opening ceremonies were complete, Joe and I were free to play with our one toy each. Intelligent children don't last very long with only one toy, and the meetings were extremely boring for me. Worse yet was the social hour after the meeting, when each and every woman would pinch my cheek, say how cute I was, and announce that one of these days, I'd be a full-fledged member.
My parents were very poor, which meant that Joe and I never had pocket-money. We couldn't go down to the ice cream parlor and get a soda, or buy a candy bar, or anything like that. Nor did Mom buy much in the way of sweets for us. When you can barely afford staples, buying a bag of cookies that will disappear in a matter of minutes is a needlest waste of money. Humans tend to crave anything that is denied them, and that is how I was (and still am) with sweets. I can't tell you how many pieces of candy I stole as a kid. I knew it was wrong, but I had to have that candy. I simply couldn't help myself. Any money I got, I spent on candy (at that same drugstore). Birthday money, Christmas money-- all of it. The candy wouldn't even last the 5 block walk home. I'd almost literally inhale it. The same held true with the Twinkie in my lunch box. It lasted until I turned the first corner, and Mom could no longer see me. I would open the lunch box right on the street, and eat the Twinkie, then continue on to school.
By the time I was in high school, I had a serious weight problem. I decided to lose it. I joined a women's health club/gym, and started dieting and exercising. Over the next 6 months or so, I went from 197 pounds to 165, which is only 15 pounds over what I should weigh as an adult. I channelled my obsession with food, and turned it into an obsession with exercise. If Mom was 5 minutes late getting home from work (to take me to the gym), I would have a conniption. I would actually scream at her if she called to tell me she was running late. At the gym, in the aerobics area, was a wall-to-wall mirror, which ended a foot or so above the floor. When I lay on the carpet, my breasts and stomach were visible in the mirror. I became obsessed with the idea that I wouldn't be thin enough until my entire body was hidden from view. To achieve this end, I stopped eating breakfast and lunch, and would eat only a small dinner. I went to bed hungry every night. When I could no longer resists sweets, I would binge and purge, then feel guilty for days.
I grew up listening to soft rock music. One of my favorite groups was The Carpenters. Karen Carpenter, the lead singer, died of anorexia nervosa. The scariest thing is that she died when she was psychologically on the road to recovery. Had her body been able to hold out a bit longer, she would probably have lived and been healthy. She had abused her body for too long, and her heart muscles gave out.
Having entered my fundamentalist Christian stage, I started listening to the music of Pat Boone. His oldest daughter, Cherry, also suffered from anorexia. She, however, survived. She wrote a book about her struggle, which was put into the Reader's Digest, where I read it.
Knowing what was wrong with me, and what would happen if things continued, gave me the ability to eat again. Afraid of starting the cycle of anorexia over, I stopped going to the gym, and left things be. Unfortunately, after a short time, I began once more to overeat.
When I entered college, I did not gain the "college 15", but rather the "college 30". For the first time, I was free of the strictures of my parents, and had the money to spend on junk food. And I spent it. Every cent I had went to candy bars, chips, hamburgers.... I came home from college heavier than I'd ever been.
Throughout my adult life, I have steadily gained weight. I can eat an entire pizza at one sitting. I can eat a supersized value meal, and still be hungry. I can eat an entire fried chicken, complete with the fixings for a family of four. I can eat a quarter gallon of ice cream, after any of the above. By July of last year, I weight approximately 400 pounds.
I was in a most serious situation. I could no longer walk an entire block without having to stop and rest. I had extreme back and knee problems, and could not stand up for more than a minute. My work performance was extremely poor, and I was unable to bathe properly. I couldn't wipe myself after toileting, and I certainly couldn't use a tampon, although, having not had a period in 4 years, I was unlikely to need one. My feet and legs were swollen, and I could not go barefoot. I was unable to go more than 2 (waking) hours without eating, as I would become nauseous. I suffered chest pains, which I was (and still am) sure were the precursors to a heart attack. I had to do something, and fast, or I would be dead before the year was out.
It was too damn late. I couldn't exercise. I couldn't even walk! I decided my only option was surgery-- if my stomach was smaller, I would be able to eat less, and thus lose enough weight that exercise would become an option. I broached the subject with my mom (who's a nurse). She told me that very often such operations go wrong, when the person is unable to stop eating large amounts of food, and pop the staples. She was seriously concerned about such a procedure, and refused to loan me the money to make it happen.
Seeing that I was serious, she offered me a possible solution: Weight Watchers. For those of you who may not know, Weight Watchers operates on a point system, based on the person's weight. I'm not sure the exact figures, but a foods' point count is measured through fiber, calorie, and fat quantities. When you join, you are given a paper slide rule that enables you to find the point value of any given food in a matter of seconds. As I weighed more than their "official high", I had the highest number of points-- 35. WW strongly encourages their members to eat the entire number of points a day, as starving slows down the body's metabolism. As an added bonus, each person, no matter what their weight, is given an extra 35 points a week (as opposed to daily), to use or not use however they see fit.
The thing about the point system is that NO food is taboo. If you HAVE to eat that pizza, or that triple mocha sundae, you add up the points, and subtract it from your daily or weekly total. Knowing you are allowed to eat these things makes it far easier to say no to them, and gives you the control necessary to choose healthier foods.
Mom and I had the discussion the day after WW's weekly meeting. We went to the grocery store, and replaced my frozen pizzas with pizza-flavored lean pockets, my ice cream with sherbet (and later, no-sugar-added ice cream), my candy bars with cereal bars, my chips with low-fat crackers. Unofficially, I was on the diet for 6 days before I weighed in for the first time, which is why I don't know exactly my starting weight. But after a week of dieting, I weighed 393 pounds. I sat through that first meeting, thinking how stupid it was, how it was never going to work. I was angry with my mom for denying me the surgery, and I saw no hope whatsoever. Having little choice, I continued on the plan, to the best of my ability.
During that week, I lost 4 pounds. Suddenly, I believed. WW could work, if I applied myself. Maybe it WASN'T too late. I went on with the diet, this time without the bad attitude, and continued to lose weight.
Since last July, I have lost a total of 31 pounds. I can walk without having to stop and rest. I can ride my bike. I can stand up for ten minutes or more. I have more energy. My back and knee pains have stopped. I can go longer than 2 hours without eating, and eat much closer to normal portions. My feet no longer swell as badly, and I sleep better. I'm able to hold my urine for longer, and wipe myself when I've finished. I'm able to bathe properly.
At first, the weight just melted off. My metabolism is slowing down a bit now, and soon I'll have to cut some of my daily points. The last month or so has been a bit of a struggle. I find myself craving the foods I once ate, and missing them. However, whenever I feel I can't continue, I get up and walk around the house-- something that a short time ago I could not have done without stopping to rest. And I know that this time, I CAN do it, and in a healthy manner. For the first time in my life, I am in control, and not the food. And I WILL succeed.
I frequent a Christian room in Yahoo chat. Most of the regulars are a pretty nice bunch. We have Christians, atheists, pagans, and Satanists. We pretty much agree to disagree, and chat about other things than religion. Fellowship is an important thing, no matter what god or gods one might follow. Basically, we have the online version of a watercooler.
Unfortunately, we cannot control who enters the chatroom, and we get some very "interesting" people. For those of you who don't chat, there are some simple rules we tend to follow, out of courtesy's sake. Typing in all caps means shouting. Pming (instant messaging) people without permission (particularly strangers) is considered rude. Spamming (ads for websites and anything else), flooding (extraordinarily long posts), large fonts, and cutting and pasting text are also strongly discouraged. Most people learn the rules relatively quickly. A few do not. Yahoo has thoughtfully provided its users with an ignore feature, which works well on those who refuse to be courteous.
There are a few good points, and a few bad points to frequenting a Christian room. Cursing is frowned upon, although most of the regulars will forgive each other for an occasional passionate moment. There are fewer bots (computer programs that have a chat name, and sell sex online), and fewer people looking for companionship, to put it mildly. Sexual talk of any sort is limited, although the regulars occasionally flirt somewhat.
We often get teenagers in their rebellious stage, who come in cursing and mocking the Christian God. We also get a few adults who haven't yet outgrown such things. A quick ignore, and all is well.
Far more disturbing are those Christians who come in the room and expect to save the souls of all, whether we want our souls saved or not. Oftentimes, people apparently feel God isn't doing a good enough job policing humanity, and they step up to help. Two things seem to upset these people greatly: having fun, and unusual chat names.
There is nothing in the Bible that states Jesus laughed. This, of course, means that humanity does not have the right to laugh, or to play, or imagine, or simply to sit back and enjoy that which has been given to them. One must pray unceasingly. NOW!
I don't know about them, but if I were to pray constantly, I'd miss work, and I wouldn't get paid. I suppose when the bank kicked me out of my house, I could pray on the streetcorner in rags. In fact, I might score more points that way. We all know God keeps a tally, after all. Oh wait-- my apologies-- that's Santa Claus.
I am reminded of my favorite line in the movie "The Color Purple" Shug is explaining her version of God to Celie, and says, "It really pisses God off if you walk past the color purple in a field somewhere without noticing it." Were I to choose belief in a god, I would choose one that made the world beautiful, for our enjoyment and his. I would choose a god that could laugh and play, even get downright rowdy on occasion. What is the point of having life, if not to enjoy it? Even a cynic such as me can see the beauty in nature. It saddens me that these people cannot-- WILL not see.
One of the things that seriously bothers me is when people judge others on the basis of their chat names. One of my online friends has the name Vampyre (hence the title of this blog, for those of you who might be slow). He believes in a god that greatly resembles the Christian god, although he denies he is a Christian. Many, many people who say they are Christians give him serious grief about his name. Vampires, after all, are evil, soulless creatures, and to have a name that connotates evil means the bearer must be intrinsically evil. Vampyre is a very nice young man, and wouldn't hurt a fly. He is far more "Christian" than those who abuse him over his screen name. These people say hateful things, in the name of a loving god. This is something I cannot understand, nor can my friend Vampyre.
I speak of Vampyre as my friend. I don't know his real name, nor where he lives. I know what he does (or at least says he does) for a living, and I know his general schedule (when he'll be online, when he (says) he's sleeping, working, etc.), and I saw the picture he has on his profile. He knows my general schedule, what I do for a living, and that I'm trying to lose weight. We know each other well enough to commiserate over false Christians, and chat about the weather. In internet terms, we are good friends.
The yahoo room I frequent is full of such people-- people I have never, and will never meet in real life, and whom I will never really know. Yet we call each other friend, and ask after the family, the new job or car, cheer each other up when we are down. Some of the regulars have taken this friendship to the next step-- they consider each other part of their online "family". This seems a bit odd to me, but it seems to work for them.
Our need for human contact is amazingly strong. We reach out, from all corners of the globe, from all religious and ethnic backgrounds, searching for someone with whom to pass the time. And yet, we never go next door, and chat with our neighbors, or the pizza guy, or the mailman. All that we seek is within our grasp, yet we prefer fantasy to reality. And that, my friends, is the saddest thing of all.