Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Mommy Dearest

I have stated, for the record, that I am 36 years old. I have also stated that I am a Certified Nurse's Aide, which means the state I live in consideres me trustworthy to take care of its infirm and elderly. I have worked for 2 daycare companies, which means several hundred parents have trusted me to take care of their children. Currently I take care of developmentally disabled adults. Again, the state trusts me to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves.

So why is it that every time it rains, my mother calls to remind me to take an umbrella and my raincoat to work?


Blogger Harry said...

Go make your bed!

12:02 PM  
Blogger Wyrfu said...

Umbrella AND raincoat? I've heard of parental care but that's ridiculous.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Actressdancer said...

I think something goes horribly wrong in the brain of a mother as she's giving birth... I say this as a mother, myself (and because I have a mother). You would not believe the levels of smothering you are capable of until you, too, have children (especially when they have the audacity to leave the nest thinking they can somehow survive without you around 24/7).

6:52 AM  

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